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What is Plasma?
A revolutionary non-surgical, non-invasive treatment designed to tighten and lift the skin, shrinking excess skin, crow's feet, bags and wrinkles.
The results of this treatment are dramatic and long lasting. Plasma delivers a professional only treatment, which does not involve a laser or scalpel to remove excess skin- instead it uses the power of plasma to tighten and rejuvenate.
Plasma is formed through ionisation of atmospheric gases to stimulate instant contraction and tightening of the skin. Also known as 'Fibroblasting' this nonsurgical procedure is highly effective in smoothing wrinkles, tightening skin and plumping lines, as well as being an alternative to surgical Blepharoplasty (the plastic surgery operation for correcting the eyelids; hooded eyes & aesthetically modifying the eye region of the face).
Innovative, non-surgical plasma treatment, highly effective in smoothing wrinkles, tightening, lifting & rejuvenating skin
How does Plasma work?
Plasma treatments work on the principle of ionized gas in the air. At the right distance from the skin, oxygen and nitrogen are mixed, and the electrostatic energy produces the plasmatic effusion or arc, which discharges on the skin.
Without actually touching the skin, this plasma arc vaporises the skin for forcing it to contract and stimulate fibroblasts- the cells responsible for the production of collagen.
Small carbon crusts form on the skin, resembling dots, which slough away over the coming days to reveal regenerated skin. This micro trauma and stimulation is the key to the treatments results.
The micro trauma caused by plasma stimulates Fibroblasts, existing collagen and elastin in the skin and promotes the production of new skin cells which will help to strengthen, plump and tighten the skin.
New cell production continues for several weeks after a session. This helps to refine fine lines and wrinkles, and improve the oerall complexion of the skin.
Is Plasma a real alternative to surgery
Advantages over traditional surgery are many:
- instant results & minimal downtime,or none
- no injections
- no ablation (surgical removal of skin)
- no sutures or stitching
- no over correction possible
- low risk treatment
- fast procedure time
- fast recovery time with long lasting results
- affordable treatment
- no scars
- significant cost saving
- no thinning of the skin
- no risk of blindness

Love Plasma is an advanced, state of art device. German made and ergonomically designed, with its three stage quality testing, CE Declaration of Conformity.
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